What to Expect on the First Chiropractic Visit

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a natural and holistic approach to health, grounded in scientific principles. The body is an intelligent, self-healing, and self-regulating organism, with the central nervous system serving as the communication hub that controls and coordinates all other bodily systems. When misalignments occur in the spine, they can disrupt nervous system function, negatively impacting our health and overall well-being.

If you're new to chiropractic care or searching for a new chiropractor, you may be wondering what to expect during your first visit to Foresight Wellness Center.

The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Approach

Our Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic method focuses on identifying, analyzing, and correcting spinal misalignments (subluxations). Your first visit begins with a thorough consultation, allowing both you and the doctor to evaluate your individual needs and determine the most appropriate course of care. All tests and treatments are non-invasive, gentle, and precise.

Technology for Precise Evaluation

Using state-of-the-art technology, we will assess your current neurological function, and specialized upper cervical x-rays along with any other x-rays the Doctor requests will be taken to measure and calculate any misalignment.

Personalized Care Plan and Report of Findings

Once the x-rays and neurological tests are reviewed by one of our board-certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractors, a personalized care plan will be developed. On your second visit, the doctor will go over the results, discuss recommended treatments, and provide a breakdown of costs. Following the Report of Findings, you will receive an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment to begin your healing journey.

Get Started Today

To learn more, contact our office at 480-325-6977 to schedule your appointment or attend one of our weekly Wellness Opportunity Workshops.


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