About Us
We customize your care and take a wholistic approach that not only helps you to feel better, but also empowers you to stay better.
Meet Dr. Lavender
Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist (B.C.A.O.), Certified in Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (A.M.I.T.), Board Certified Chiropractic Wellness and Lifestyle Practitioner (C.C.W.P.), Certified Addictionologist (C. Ad.)
For years I suffered from debilitating asthma, headaches, neck and leg pain. The only answers I was receiving were “let’s try this medicine.” At 22 years old, all I saw was more medicine in my future and less quality of life. The drugs that I was taking to hide the symptoms only created serious side effects that would not let me function in a way that I could feel ‘normal.’ Indeed, my quality of life was spinning out of control at such an early age!
Shortly after marrying my wife, Lori, she began encouraging me to go see her Chiropractor to see if my suffering could be caused by irritated or pinched nerves. After much persuasion (I did not want to go!) and feeling like I had nothing to lose, she scheduled my appointment. After examining and x-raying my spine, Dr. Lord reported that many of my problems and the fact that my body was not healing itself could indeed be caused by tiny misalignments in my spine. I learned that these misalignments (subluxations) were distorting the vital nerve signals that control the life-sustaining functions of my entire body!
Treatment began within a couple days and immediately I noticed nothing. No change in my headache, or my leg pain, or asthma symptoms as I was expecting. I thought I had just wasted my money and more importantly, my time. However, I soon began noticing that everything looked brighter and clearer than it did before I received my first adjustment. I also noticed how light my skull felt on top of my neck, and that now, when I turned my head, it felt like a smooth, fluid motion whereas before it was labored and painful to turn. I began to appreciate the magic that time plays in the healing process as my nervous system was basically ‘re-booted’ or ‘reset’. Eventually, my body began healing again from the inside-out and I was able to eliminate the outside-in treatments that I was using to just cover my symptoms.
As I sat in Dr. Lord’s waiting room many times over many months, I thought, “if I could live my life serving humanity and helping people regain their health and wellness naturally, without side-effecting drugs or irreversible surgery, then my work life would be purposeful.” I love seeing people live and love their life again by following very simple scientific truths found in the philosophy, science, and art of Chiropractic.
I eventually changed my educational course from biomechanical engineering to Chiropractic and moved to Davenport, Iowa, to attend Palmer College of Chiropractic. While there, I learned a new way to look at the body – as a perfectly organized, miraculous being, greater than the sum of all it’s anatomical parts. The body has a built-in ability to heal and to be healthy. The body rarely needs any help to heal and grow to it’s full potential, it just needs no interference! Patients regain and maximize their health when they respect the body’s built-in healing processes. I furthered my education by becoming Board Certified in the Atlas Orthogonal work in Atlanta, Georgia from Dr.'s Roy and Matt Sweat after graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic. Continuing my own research into maximizing our human potential, naturally, I also became certified in Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (A.M.I.T.) from Dr. Craig Buhler, Torque Release Technique (T.R.T.) from Dr. Jay Holder, and became a Certified Chiropractic Wellness and Lifestyle Practitioner (C.C.W.P.) I am currently studying nutrigenomics and Wholistic Kinesiology from Dr. J. Dunn. My practice members benefit as I continue my education on current healing techniques, research, and scientific discoveries into optimizing our body’s expression of life.
Meet Dr. Howard
My journey into becoming a chiropractor began when I was 14. I began experiencing a wide range of symptoms with seemingly no reasoning behind them. I went to various doctor’s appointments and had many medical tests to try to figure out what could be the cause. All of my tests came back normal but my symptoms kept getting worse. I began to believe this would be my new normal. That was until one of my teachers in high school asked if she could send my parents an email with the information to her chiropractor. She recognized a few of the symptoms I was experiencing and believed her chiropractor could help me find a solution. We ended up making an appointment in hopes of finding an answer. At the age of 14, I became a patient of Foresight Chiropractic and finally began experiencing a relief of my symptoms.
After many years under care, I became a chiropractic assistant and massage therapist at Foresight Chiropractic. While working closely under Dr. Lavender and with patients, I saw that relieving pressure from the nervous system aided with more than just pain relief. Shortly thereafter I decided I wanted to become a chiropractor. I applied for school, packed up, and moved to South Carolina where I attended Sherman College of Chiropractic.
I graduated in 2022 and headed back home to Arizona to begin my career as a Chiropractor working at Foresight Chiropractic; the very same office that helped me to regain my life at 14. Through this journey I knew my biggest goal with my patients was to restore hope through removing nervous system interference, allowing the body to heal itself.
Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor