Start Performing Better

Are you ready to start performing better?

We work with countless athletes from professionals still in the game, to retirees to high school stars.

Our doctors are trained in techniques used by the doctors of top sports teams. We take detailed scans and customize your care to your exact needs to get your body functioning better than ever.


Our Goal

From high school to professional level, we help your body be at its best so you can perform at your best.

First Steps

We know that every body has unique needs. We make it a priority to know you and your body before we get to work. Before your first visit, you’ll fill out some background paperwork so we can be prepared for your initial visit.

How We Get There

Feeling better starts with knowing where you’re at. We take specific scans and measurements to know exactly what care you need.

Before Your First Visit

Your First Visit

Your first appointment is a deeper look into what’s going on inside your body. We scan your nervous system, take precise x-rays, and you meet one-on-one with your doctor.

Moving Forward

The Review

At your next appointment, you’ll sit down with your doctor and review your nervous system scans and x-rays. If we think we are a good match for the care you need, we’ll begin care.

Your Custom Care Plan

The next step is to develop a custom treatment plan for your health goals. Your  treatment plan is designed for you specifically and to maximize your improvement in the shortest time possible. 

Other Treatments

If there are adjunct therapies we believe will accelerate your healing, we will discuss those during this overview visit.