Our Muscle Regen Services

When you’re injured, your damaged muscles shut off and the ones around them step in and work even harder to give the injured muscles the chance to heal. Over time, your body gets used to these new ways of using its muscles and the injured muscles stay “off”.

By tapping into your body’s nervous system Muscle Regen reactivates these muscles and gets you back to peak performance. Get stronger, prevent injuries, heal faster, and perform better.

And the best part?

Muscle Regen is non-invasive, gentle, and completely safe.

How it Works

It starts with a comprehensive full body exam. We identify every deactivated muscle in your body, people commonly have between 30-100.

Each following session, we will identify what muscles need to be activated and activate them using the A.M.I.T. technique.

You can expect to feel improvements as soon as immediately after having a muscle reactivated.


  • Muscle inhibition, or "shutting down," can occur due to various factors such as injuries, neurological stress, and organ stress resulting from poor nutritional habits and a myriad of other lifestyle and genetic factors.

  • To re-activate an inhibited muscle, the doctor employs A.M.I.T. (Advanced Muscle Integration Technique) targeting five unique reflex points, along with the muscle's origin and insertion points. Additionally, specific chiropractic adjustments are incorporated into the activation process.

  • Each patient presents a unique case, reflecting a lifetime of accumulated trauma by adulthood. While most patients typically have around 40-50 inhibited muscles, this number can vary significantly and therefore treatment period can vary widely. The initial examination aims to identify all inhibited muscles in your body, with the overarching goal of restoring balance and promoting overall well-being, irrespective of the specific muscle count.

  • Most patients experience improvement following their initial treatment. However, addressing imbalances beyond the initial complaint site might be necessary to establish stability and facilitate comprehensive recovery. The ultimate objective is to achieve overall body balance to enhance functionality and alleviate pain.

  • Once activated, a muscle should remain functional unless new injury or trauma occurs. Occasionally, if a previously treated muscle shows signs of weakness, the doctor may explore associated organs or glands and provide nutrient or supplemental support to restore strength promptly.

Discover Muscle Regen Care