You Are Not A Victim To Your Genes

Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about the New Biology and the control you have over your health. You no longer are held hostage to your genes. Science has disproved that your genes control your health outcome. You actually have a tremendous amount of control over how your genes are expressed. By altering your thoughts, your diet and your environment, you change how your genetic traits are expressed.

The Science of Epigenetics is showing that you are an extension of your environment. Everything from your thoughts and beliefs, to toxins you are exposed to, sunlight, exercise, what you eat and what you put onto your body, all determine your physical health.

You Are Not A Victim To Your Genes

You have tremendous power over your life! To learn more, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical Doctors. Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley's premier Wellness Center, has been partnering with families for over 18 years, restoring and optimizing health. Take your life back, call today. 

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