Where To Begin Detoxing Your Kitchen

Detox your kitchen by removing plastic

As we focus on better wellness practices, a great place to look first is in your kitchen. What toxins are lurking in your cookware, storage containers, and utensils?

Think of all the products in your kitchen that may contain PFAS and plastic, which is made up of polymers and chemicals as well as BPA, which is found in cans and bottles. BPA has been linked to cancers, recurring miscarriages, diabetes, obesity, behavioral and learning issues, anxiety, and depression.

In 1946 DuPont brought Teflon out to the world. Today, the compounds that include Teflon are known as PFAS and this should only be found in cookware, but now it is found in the blood of people around the world. In a comment made by the Environmental Working Group, "PFAS chemicals pollute water, do not break down and remain in the environment and people forever. Some scientists call them forever chemicals."

These plastic molecules are not tightly bound and can easily be absorbed in your body, causing harm to your endocrine, immune, and nervous systems.

A study done in Environmental Health in 2014 study found 95% of people tested positive for BPA.  Consider all the plastic that children put into their mouth -- from sippy cups they drink from to plastic bottles and toys. Everything babies, toddlers and children handle eventually goes to their mouth.  

Some of the culprits that cause plastic, PFAS, and other chemicals to leach into food include:

  --  Teflon not-stick pans are one of the worst offenders. When heated, they release an odorless gas that leaches into foods and is absorbed in the body. PFAS are also found in straws, paperboard, and fastfood wrappers.

  -- Heating foods in the microwave using plastic containers, plates, or cups. 

  -- Acidic foods such as tomatoes, citrus, and vinegar stored or cooked in plastic containers.

  -- Oils and high fat foods stirred with plastic utensils.

  -- Plastic sponges or scrubbing with abrasives when washing . 

  -- Plastic and silicone utensils used when cooking.

What can be used as replacements: 

  -- Use ceramic, stainless steel, and cast iron skillets  

 -- Use glass bottles and storage containers

  -- Use wooden and metal cooking utensils

  -- Buy products in glass jars especially acidic products like tomatoes and vinegar

  -- Be sure canned products are BPA free  

  -- Use wax paper or newer reusable-waxed covers to replace plastic wrap

Building your immune system will add to the quality and enjoyment of your life. Regular Chiropractic care to align the spine and reduce the stress from your spine is an important wellness practice to help your body function better and remove toxins. Along with cooking and eating clean, unprocessed foods. Minimize your intake of sugary foods and eat more healthy fats.  Getting regular exercise, practicing stress reduction activities, 7 -8 hours of quality sleep, and enjoy being outside in nature and spending time with friends.  Continue to learn about ways to recognize and reduce the harmful toxins in your environment while increasing the healthful activities will have big payoffs for you and your family.

Where To Begin Detoxing Your Kitchen


To learn more and enjoy a complimentary consultation with the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic, call 480-325-6977.  The Doctors are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal, gentle upper cervical specialists and certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioners serving family and sports enthusiasts for over 22 years. Call today and ask about the free community wellness workshops and upgrade the quality of your health!

Check for studies and products listed on the EnvironmentWorkingGroup.com website for more detailed information



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