Stop Plantar Fasciitis Pain

   Are you struggling with plantar fasciitis, sprained ankles, or frequent muscle weakness in your legs and feet?  There is a solution and treatment that can help!    

The answer may be Advanced Muscle Integration Technique, or AMIT, and it’s now available at Foresight Chiropractic in Gilbert, AZ.

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique is a diagnostic and therapeutic treatment for common joint and muscle issues often experienced by active people.  When the muscles or connective tissues are damaged or strained, the body may try to “shut off” or inhibit parts of the muscle system to protect from further damage.  Often, these inhibited muscles cause pain and weakness.

The AMIT method assists the body’s ability to heal, restoring health and wellness and enhancing pain free joint action. For example, an old ankle injury may lead to knee pain. Working directly on the knee to ease acute symptoms may help to relieve the pain for a short time.  But if the root cause is coming from the ankle, that stress from the ankle may cause additional damage to the knee and work its way on up to the hips.  

Here is a patient who has been suffering with severe plantar fasciitis describing his experience with the AMIT method:

Brad describes his experience treating for painful plantar fasciitis. “I had an exam yesterday using a technique called Advanced Muscle Integration Technique.  The exam lasted about half an hour and consisted of Dr. Lavender testing more than 350 of my muscles to determine if they were functioning properly.    He put my muscles -- in the feet, legs, arms, back, shoulders, neck -- in specific positions on each side of my body, and then asked me to push against him or prevent him from pushing the muscle in a certain direction.    After testing a few muscles, I could feel the isolation of each muscle and feel the strength, or the lack of strength, in the muscle.  I began to feel the muscles that were weak, or what he called aberrant, were the same ones that are often sore or tight when I do my daily activities.   

The testing process was not painful, but it does exercise the muscles with all the pushing and pulling so I felt like I had a bit of a workout.  As the testing progressed, I felt like I could almost predict which muscles and positions would be stronger and which ones would be weaker.   By adjusting my body and muscles into seldom-used angles and positions, Dr. Lavender helped me actually feel, sense and identify muscles in my body that I rarely focused on. It helped spark a mind-body connection in myself.   I was amazed at how thoroughly he worked through each muscle to test it, and how good it felt to really feel those muscles in action.  

After the testing, Dr. Lavender gave me a chiropractic adjustment to align my spine to clear and reduce the stress from my nervous system.   I'm excited and eager for the next phase of the AMIT program to begin re-activating those 44 "turned off" muscles he identified.  This will help me strengthen my entire body and make my workouts and hikes more productive!”

Stop Plantar Fasciitis Pain 

If you would like to learn more about this advanced muscle therapy technique, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation. At Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, the Doctors are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioners serving athletes and family members from birth to 100. Call today and enjoy being the best you can be! 

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