Sports Therapy with Advanced Muscle Integration Technique

What is Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or AMIT?

AMIT is an innovative, advanced therapy for sports injury and performance optimization.  If you suffer from chronic joint and muscle issues, sprained ankles or joint instability, come in to learn more about AMIT.  At Foresight Chiropractic, we are seeing amazing results with Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic and AMIT with our patients.

In this video, Dr. Buhler, shares insights into the amazing benefits of AMIT. He was the physician for the Utah Jazz Basketball team for 26 years and developed this technique to maximize peak athletic performance and to restore, reduce and prevent injuries that he was challenged with when it came to caring for a professional sports team.  His players not only recovered from acute and chronic injuries but also improved their performance and reduced future injuries and long-standing chronic issues.

Sports Therapy With Advanced Muscle Integration Technique 

To learn more about Advanced Muscle Integration Technique and to schedule a free consultation, call 480-325-6977.  The Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical Doctors at Foresight Chiropractic have been using AMIT for the last 5 years with truly amazing results, certified and trained by Dr. Buhler.  Call today and enhance your performance, reduce and eliminate pain, and improve your balance and overall health with your health partners at the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, serving patients for over 21 years.   


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