Sports Therapy For Hip Pain

Do you ever experience hip pain when you are playing tennis, doing squats or playing pickle ball; a “pinching pain” as one patient expressed or a pain in the buttock area that shoots to the low back or down the leg?

The gluteus medius muscle is one of the muscles on the side of your hip that is just underneath the buttocks muscle or the gluteus maximus muscle. It helps to support the hips. Strain or injury to the gluteus medius muscle can make it difficult to move without pain or to have smooth, fluid movement during exercises or games.

The body has an inherent ability heal when the essential elements to heal are available to the body without surgery and without drugs. Using the Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or AMIT method, the certified practitioner is able to diagnose and treat common joint and muscle conditions experienced by active people. This method allows the practitioner to test over 600 muscles in the body for proper function.  When muscles or connective tissues are under stress, have been injured, incurred trauma, or nutrient deficiencies, the brain and nervous system will act much like a circuit breaker on a home to “shut down” certain muscles or muscle groups to protect and prevent further damage. This commonly causes pain.

Sports Therapy For Hip Pain

For more information or to schedule a free consultation to find out if this could be the reason for your issues, call 480-325-6977.  Dr. Keith Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner at the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic in Gilbert, Arizona.  Give your game a new edge by using the AMIT method to optimize your body, as many professional and Olympian athletes do. Call today!

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