Relief From Elbow Pain

Get Relief From Elbow Pain!

Have you ever experienced pain at your elbow and arm – perhaps to the degree that you couldn’t even pick up a glass of water -- as Patricia describes in this video?   With intense pain like experienced here, lifting a small child, shaking hands, or even opening a door can be very painful.

This tennis elbow or golf elbow pain can actually be a form of tendinitis -- or swelling of the tendons.  It can cause excruciating pain in the elbow and the arm, and can start from repetitive motion and playing sports, or from activities like carpentry, typing, painting, or knitting. Any activity that requires you to grip something, especially using the thumb and first few fingers, can contribute to tendinitis. 

The root cause of repetitive motion pain is often muscle weakness and imbalance.  Imbalance can be caused when a muscle or muscle group is not functioning properly, and the brain recruits other muscles to compensate – leading to pain, weakness and injury. 

The good news is --- there is a solution that can help alleviate the pain!

That solution may lie with a unique and revolutionary sports medicine technique called Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) – which helps to accelerate healing, reduce or eliminate chronic pain, maximize body function and performance and help prevent future injuries. 

The developers of the AMIT system discovered that a leading cause of pain is inhibited muscles resulting from overuse or injury.  Although the pain of the injury may go away over time, the functional muscle imbalance remains.  Eventually, these functional imbalances lead to chronic pain. By defining and correcting these imbalances, healing and rehabilitation can take place rapidly without the need for drugs or surgery.

AMIT practitioners examine more than 700 muscles and they test for proper functioning.  They specifically identify inhibited muscles and define body and joint movement patterns that are not stable and lead to injury and reduced performance.

Once inhibited muscles are identified, AMIT treatment consists of stimulating seven specific reflex points and then adjusting specific points on the spine.  After stimulating these points, the AMIT practitioner will re-test the muscles to determine that they have been re-activated and are strong.

Relief From Elbow Pain

If you are experiencing tennis elbow or injury, muscle or joint pain, or weakness in your body, call 480-325-6977 to find a chiropractor near you for more information and to schedule a free consultation. The Doctor is Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner serving the valley for over 23 years. Call the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic, today and get back to doing the activities you love!

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