Muscle Regen After Injuries


  A broken upper humerus bone can be painful and require a significant recovery process. 

The humerus is the long bone in the upper arm, and it is responsible for many important movements, such as reaching, lifting, and throwing. When the humerus breaks, it can cause severe pain, swelling, and bruising. It can also make it difficult or impossible to move the arm and have a significant impact on a person's ability to perform everyday activities, such as dressing, bathing, eating, and working.

Some of the specific impacts of a broken upper humerus bone include:

  • Pain and discomfort: A broken humerus bone can cause severe pain and discomfort. This is due to the inflammation and swelling that occurs around the fracture site. The pain can make it difficult to sleep, move around, and perform everyday activities.

  • Limited range of motion: A broken humerus bone will limit the range of motion in the shoulder and arm. This can make it difficult to perform activities such as reaching, lifting, and throwing.

  • Weakness: A broken humerus bone can also cause weakness in the arm. This is because the muscles that attach to the humerus are damaged or weakened. The weakness can make it difficult to perform tasks such as carrying groceries or lifting a child.

  • Loss of function: In some cases, a broken upper humerus bone can lead to a loss of function in the arm. This can happen if the nerves or blood vessels, muscles, or tendons in the injured area are damaged. A loss of function can make it difficult or impossible to perform even basic tasks such as eating and dressing.

The treatment for a broken upper humerus bone depends on the type and severity of the fracture or break. In some cases, the fracture may heal on its own with rest and immobilization. In other cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the break.

After surgery or immobilization, the individual will generally need to undergo physical therapy to regain range of motion and strength in the arm. The physical therapy process can take several weeks or months, depending on the severity of the injury.

Even after the fracture has healed and the individual has regained range of motion and strength, there may still be some residual impacts of the injury. For example, the person may experience pain or stiffness in the shoulder or elbow. They may also have difficulty performing certain activities, such as throwing a ball or carrying heavy objects. 

Muscles will generally begin responding normally after six weeks from the injury. If the area is weak and not responding to the exercises Muscle Regen would be advantageous. This is a non-invasive technique performed by certified practitioners such as Dr. Keith Lavender in Gilbert, AZ. Long standing muscle, joint, and tendon pain  Muscle Regen can be effective on chronic tight muscles, decreased range of motion, loss of muscle strength, and to help prevent future injuries.

Muscle Regen After Injuries

For more information and to schedule your complimentary consultation, call 480-325-6977. Dr. Lavender is a Board Certified upper cervical Atlas Orthogonal specialist and certified Muscle Regen practitioner treating athletes and families for over 24 years. Call today and regain your strength and health by resolving problems at their core. Ask about BEMER vascular therapy, therapeutic massage, and low level laser. 

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