Muscle Pain Relief

Are you struggling to start a workout program? Don’t know where to begin? Or, working on your program but not seeming to be making any progress?

Many of us can relate to one of these scenarios. We want to move more to get fit and feel better, just struggling through the process. This video is a great place to begin, and Dr. Keith Lavender at Foresight Wellness and Sports Center can guide you further!

Are you a daily walker, weekend warrior, Pilates or Yoga enthusiast, weightlifter, or aerobics fan? No matter what your routine is and what level of experience you have, you need a coach to move you forward, keep injuries to a minimum, suggest the most optimal nutritional protocol, and help with any issues along the way.

Dr. Lavender is a Board-Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner treating and supporting families and athletes for over 24 years.  He found that when athletes were frequently getting injured or seemed to be “stuck” in their fitness progress, they had muscles that were not functioning properly.  They may be experiencing joint or muscle pain, imbalances, inability to perform certain poses or routines, or muscle weakness.

When these symptoms occur, it could be a signal that a muscle or group of muscles is shut down, not functioning properly, and has been “turned off.” In these situations, the brain recruits other muscles to compensate and to protect from further injury.

The good news is there is an effective treatment for these muscle issues, and it’s called Advanced Muscle Integration Technique, or AMIT, an advanced sports therapy technique developed by Dr. Craig Buhler, DC, former Utah Jazz physician.

AMIT is based on the understanding that when a muscle is overloaded, it can either inhibit (shut down) neurologically or it can tear.   Inhibited muscles create imbalances and areas of instability throughout the body.   This causes joint and muscle pain.

A certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner checks over 600 muscles to find and treat the ones that are not functioning properly.   The AMIT process “re-connects” and re-integrates inhibited muscles into the nervous system to remove pain and increase physical performance.

Muscle Pain Relief

If you are struggling, experiencing muscle pain or joint pain, or weakness in your body, and wanting to move to the next level in your performance ability, call 480-325-6977 for more information and to schedule a free consultation. Call the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic, and get back to enjoying the activities you love! In addition to the gentle Atlas Orthogonal treatment, ask about the additional services we offer to support your health and well-being: BEMER vascular therapy for greater endurance, recovery, and relaxation; therapeutic massage;  and Low Level Laser therapy.


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