Low Back Relief With Advanced Muscle Integration Technique

Most people suffering from chronic pain have tried medical doctors, massage, drugs, acupuncture and sometimes surgery to resolve the nagging or debilitating pain without much relief. These pains can be caused from old injuries or traumas or more recent injuries as Pete talks about in this video.

He had been to several medical doctors and chiropractors without relief. After beginning care with Dr. Keith Lavender, D.C., a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner, he was able to see a reduction and then elimination of his back pain.  Getting to the core of his problem and restoring proper function and alignment.

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or A.M.I.T. has been used on Olympic and professional athletes for years and has been proven to be an effective treatment for chronic pain, injury prevention, and acute injury recovery.  A.M.I.T. practitioners have been trained to isolate and examine over 700 muscles and muscle groups, finding aberrant muscles and re-activating them.

Low Back Relief With Advanced Muscle Integration Technique

For more information and to find out if your pain or performance inability is caused from muscles that have been “shut off”, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation at the Valley’s premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic in Gilbert, Arizona. Call today and get your game back on!


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