Low Back Pain Relief

Are you having a hard time doing squats or holding your yoga poses? It may not be your training or because you don't have the stamina. The real reason could be because some of your glute muscles have been "shut down" and not functioning properly. When muscles are weak and not functioning properly, it can also cause low back pain or joint aches.

The brain and nervous system act much like a circuit breaker in your home. When a muscle has been overused or injured, the brain will "shut it down" and employ other muscles to take over to avoid further damage. With Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or the AMIT Method, a Certified practitioner will test the muscles, as Dr. Keith Lavender is doing in this video, to find those that are aberrant or not functioning properly. Once the muscles are identified, the Doctor will re-activate or "turn on" the muscles, bringing it back into optimal functionality. If muscles are left untreated, the body typically will adapt, potentially leading to future injuries, imbalances and joint or muscle pain. If injuries are treated during the acute phase, soon after an injury, results are quick and dramatic.

Low Back Pain Relief

For more information about improving your performance and reducing or eliminating muscle pain, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Keith Lavender D.C., Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and Certified AMIT Method practitioner. At Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley's premier Wellness Center, Dr. Lavender has been caring for athletes, sports enthusiasts, exercise participants, young and old for over 18 years with very precise and gentle adjustments--no popping and cracking. Call today and get your game back on!

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