Gilbert Chiropractic Office

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Even Small Amounts of Exercise Give You Large Benefits

So, you’re not a super-athlete in training for your next marathon or Ironman.   Maybe you spend a bit more time on your backside than off it.  You don’t have time for an hour in the gym every day.

But that’s OK, because ANY amount of exercise is good for you; and even basic movement and exercise will help you live longer and happier.   Focus on 20 minutes of movement at a time.  You can do that!  The board certified, upper cervical doctors at Gilbert Chiropractic Office can help you reduce stress and improve your health and performance.

Many experts say that 20 minutes of daily exercise is the key to improved health and wellness.   That’s a goal that everyone – no matter your current condition or health – can achieve and maintain.

With even just 20 minutes of exercise, you will experience a huge number of health benefits.  And everything beyond 20 minutes is a bonus.   Sure, you can always do more for maximum results.  But the science shows that if you just do anything -- even stand in place for 20 minutes, rather than sitting -- you will be healthier.

One research study showed that those who exercised on their normal work days experienced significantly improved mood on those days.  And, on non-exercise days, their sense of inner calm deteriorated.

In this study, key findings include:

·         72 percent had improved time management on exercise days compared to non-exercise days

·         79 percent reported improved mental and interpersonal performances on exercise days

·         74 percent said they managed their workload better        

Those who exercised regularly also reported feeling more than 40 percent more "motivated to work" and scored more than 20 percent higher for concentration and finishing work on time.  The key is to exercise regularly for the best results.  

It is vital to engage in regular movement – especially if you have a sitting job or sedentary lifestyle.  If you can stand up every 10 to 15 minutes and engage is some type of brief exercise—Walk—Stretch--Clean the kitchen-- Do squats or leg extensions while you brush your teeth--Park at the end of the parking lot--Take the stairs--Play with your dog or cat--your body and mind will benefit.  Just move and enjoy!   

Maintaining any type of exercise and movement program is a powerful habit that will help you minimize the damage of long-term sitting. Chiropractic, along with a healthy eating and exercise practice will help reduce and minimize the effects of stress and aging on the body. Foresight Wellness Center, a Gilbert Chiropractic Office specializes in Atlas Orthogonal, a precise and very gentle upper cervical technique—no popping or cracking! For a free consultation, call 480-325-6977.

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