Find Relief For Knee Pain

Do you ever feel pain behind your knees when you walk or exercise?   If so, you could be having a problem with the popliteus muscle in the back of the knee. 

In this video, Dr. Keith Lavender, a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical doctor and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) practitioner, is testing a young gymnast who is experiencing pain and weakness in her knees.  This pain has impacted her performance. Once he identifies the muscle or muscles that are not functioning properly, he will use AMIT to reactivate the muscle or muscle groups to alleviate the pain and enable the muscle to be strengthened again. In this case, he has identified the popliteus muscle to be aberrant, or not functioning properly. You can see in this video that the patient does not have much strength and is unable to resist any pressure. 

The popliteus muscle, though small, is a major stabilizer for the knee. It helps in flexing the leg and when you move to take a step. Pain in the back of the knees is a common issue among athletes and active individuals. The popliteus muscle is the main internal rotator of the knee when it is in a non-weight bearing state. When in a weight bearing position, it is responsible for rotating the femur on the tibia. You may hear it referred to as locking and unlocking the knee.


Chiropractors understand that when muscles are stressed, the brain and nervous system act much like a circuit breaker does in your house.  They will “shut off” muscles to protect them from further damage. No amount of massage or exercise will strengthen the muscle until it has been “turned back on.”  In the next video, you will see the difference after Dr. Lavender has used AMIT therapy on our athlete. 

Find Relief For Knee Pain 

If you are experiencing muscle and joint pain, weakness during your workouts or daily life, or if you want to take your game or workouts to the next level, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a complimentary consultation.  The Doctors and staff at Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness and Sports Center, have been serving athletes and families for over 21 years. Don’t suffer from knee pain, frequent injuries, or giving up your favorite activities. Call to schedule your consultation or attend one of the  community health workshops offered by Foresight Chiropractic.


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