Exercises To Do At Home

When you can’t get to the gym or it is closed due to Covid-19, watch this video to learn a workout routine you can do anywhere.

If you are struggling with your workouts, either due to injuries, not being able to strengthen muscles or limited range of motion, you may have what is known as aberrant muscles. These muscles have been “shut down” by the central nervous system to prevent more damage.  To get your muscles functioning properly, call to ask us about Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or AMIT.

The AMIT method is an advanced diagnostic and therapeutic approach to common joint and muscle issues that are common to active people. When muscles or connective tissues are strained or injured, the body will act much like a circuit breaker and “shut down” muscles to protect and reduce from further injury. AMIT combines multiple healing disciplines into one method allowing the practitioner to test and treat over 600 muscles for function.

Aberrant muscles can cause pain, limited range of motion, weakness, and imbalances. Once identified and treated, the certified AMIT practitioners can restore proper function within the neuro-muscular system.

Exercises To Do At Home 

To learn more and to see if your issues may be caused from muscles not functioning properly, call 480-325-6977 to schedule a free consultation. Dr. Keith Lavender is a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioner serving professional and student athletes and weekend warriors for over 21 years. Call today and get your game back on!!

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