DNA Testing Gilbert AZ 85234, 85214, 85207

Bruce Lipton talks about the new science, EPIGENETICS, the study of the chemical reactions in our body that activate and deactivate parts of our genes, determined largely by our lifestyles. Our genes are the recipe or the blueprint of our life. The outcome, our health, is determined by how we think, what we eat, and how we move-- what WE DO with the recipe.

You are not a victim. You have the power to determine your outcome. Don't wait to get sick to get healthy!

DNA Testing Gilbert AZ 85234, 85214, 85207

Call 480-525-7841 to schedule your free consultation to learn more about your DNA and areas you may be predisposed to certain illnesses and what to do to optimize your health.  Receive a free introductory session with Self-Mastery Technology MindFit--Change your mind, change your life.  Call Foresight Chiropractic, the premier Wellness Center in Arizona specializing in Atlas Orthogonal, a precise and gentle chiropractic technique, nutritional DNA consultations, and Advanced Muscle Integration Technique-- Maximizing Human Potential!  

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