Custom Orthotic Special Gilbert AZ

April Special!! Custom Made Orthotics that slide into your shoes OR select fun Flip Flops.

Functional Orthotics are made specifically for you -- your prescription "shoe inserts" replacing the generic insoles that come with your shoes. Custom orthotics, designed to align your spine, hips, and neck. 

Foot Levelers functional orthotics support the three arches, 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your foot. Over-the-counter orthotics only support one arch in your foot vs. Foot Levelers 3 arch custom support.

Custom Orthotic Special Gilbert AZ

Order orthotics to fit into your shoes and save dollars during April and May AND add comfort to your feet and body. Be sure to ask about additional savings and about the fun Flip Flops that are available too. Custom FootLevelers Orthotics are available at Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley's premier Wellness Center in Gilbert, AZ. The Doctors are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists who have been serving families for over 18 years. For a free consultation, call 480-325-6977. Your health is paramount and when your feet are happy, the world smiles! 


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