Boost Your Immune System Naturally

     Coronavirus Prevention Tips

With worldwide attention on the Coronavirus, it’s a good time to review best practices for strengthening your immune system and reducing your susceptibility to this virus as well as common colds and flu.  

The good news is you don’t need a flu shot to prevent the flu.   Visit your chiropractor regularly to keep your nervous system and natural immune system strong and healthy.   And try these natural health practices to stay healthy this season.

1.       Get 8 hours of Sleep.   Studies have concluded that lack of sleep can double your chances of getting a bacterial or viral infection.

2.       Breathe Clean Air.  Keep the air around you as clean and fresh as possible.   Use an air purifier in your home or office that has an ionizer and HEPA filter to clean the air.

3.       Wash your Hands Often.   The amount of infected bacterial and virus matter in the air and on surfaces is increased during flu season.  Wash your hands every hour with soap and water.

4.       Keep Your Hands Away from Your Face.  Infected “droplets” of virus are harmless on your hands.  But if you put your fingers into your nose, eyes, or mouth, the bacteria and virus can easily transfer and enter your upper respiratory tract. 

5.       Stay Warm.  More and more studies are showing that a chilled body temperature makes you more susceptible to bacterial or viral infection.   Bundle up and stay warm to keep your immune system strong.

6.       Avoid Sick People.  Infection passes from one to another.   Avoid sick people and avoid the flu.

7.       Get More Sun, Fresh Air and Movement.  Your immune system depends on physical activity to pump white blood cells around your system.   Make sure you get fresh air and move, sweat, bend and stretch your body. 

8.       Avoid Negativity.   Think of all you can be grateful for. Spend time thinking of things you can be grateful for and avoid people that see all the negative. Think love and light all around you. Be the change you want to see in the world. It may sound cliché but the impact to your health and your community is palatable.   Emotionally and spiritually unwell people impact your immune system and impact your mental well being.  Send them love and avoid them.  Likewise, negative input from television news can also bring you down. AVOID!

9.    Improve Your Immune System Naturally.    Move well and build your immune system.  Get regular spinal adjustments.

10.  If you have BEMER therapy in your home, continue to use daily. It has been scientifically proven to improve your immune system and support full body health. If you don’t have available at home, check for sessions at the office.

11.   Take quality whole food supplements to include in a quality diet of minimally processed, low sugar diet.

12. Enlist the guidance of trusted Wellness practitioners.

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

For more information, ask your Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist, Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique practitioners and Wellness Doctors at Foresight Chiropractic, the Valley’s premier Wellness Center at 480-325-6977. Schedule your complimentary consultation and begin your journey to optimal wellness. There is hope. The Doctors here have been successfully serving the community for over 21 years restoring and optimizing health for families across the valley. Call today and talk to one of our caring staff.

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