Best Chiropractor in Arizona


Have you been looking for an exceptional chiropractor and Wellness Center that can help you restore your health, feel amazing, and take you to the next level in your activities? 

You should check out Foresight Wellness Center with Board Certified Dr. Keith Lavender. After consulting with you and taking a thorough lifestyle history, he will set up a care plan specifically for you that may include gentle Chiropractic care, Advanced Muscle Integration Techniques, BEMER vascular therapy, nutrition recommendations, or a number of other therapies he offers.

If you have been wanting to have your own BEMER at home for yourself and your family, NOW is the time! BEMER is one of the unique therapies that are available at Foresight Wellness Center. BEMER is a biophysical treatment that activates the body’s self-regulatory system to optimize health. BEMER enhances oxygen delivery, local blood flow, CO2 removal, muscle conditioning, performance and recovery, endurance and energy, and stress reduction and relaxation. 25 years of history in Europe and a Class II cleared medical device to be enjoyed by everyone in your family.

The doctor and staff are thorough, kind, and caring. You will wonder why you had not found this Wellness Center and Sports Clinic sooner, and you’ll be writing amazing reviews like the ones found on

Here's what a couple of patients have said recently:

From Brad B. June 14, 2023

“Foresight Chiropractic is a fantastic choice for those who want to be healthy. Dr. Lavender is a very caring, focused, and dedicated chiropractor who truly wants to see us improve our health. The staff is friendly and absolutely wonderful as well. Coming to this office for years has helped me in multiple ways. I stopped taking daily prescription drugs for allergies and ADD years ago and this office helped me through a very difficult health period where about 10 MDs had seen me and could not figure out a plan to correct my health over the course of several months. Dr. Lavender came up with an outside the box plan and I began getting healthier before being able to return to ASU to complete my Master's degree and going on to improve my life professionally, after being stuck in a health rut where I couldn't do either at the time and had had to move back in with my parents. This is not a simple pop and crack type of chiropractic office. The combination of the Atlas Orthogonal work and AMIT that is done here can certainly be life changing.”

Darlene had these comments on 3.23.2023

“Awesome noticeable improvement!!
A miracle.
Since I have started using the Bemer, I have actually been able to sleep through the night, and wake up without feeling excruciating pain.
Thank you for giving me my life back!!
Good health is priceless

Best Chiropractor in Arizona

To learn more, call 480-325-6977 and schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Lavender.  Ask about the special BEMER offer that is available for only a short time.  Dr. Lavender has been using BEMER with his patients for the last several years with amazing results. Combined with gentle upper cervical chiropractic and Advanced Muscle Integration Technique, wellness care has moved to the fast lane. This premier Wellness Center has been serving athletes and families for over 23 years. Call today and take back control of your life!


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