Best Chiropractor Near Me

   Have you been looking for a chiropractor that can really make a difference in your life? That special doc that is not like all the rest -- the one that really listens to what you have to say? 

Dr. Keith Lavender, Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialist, and Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) Practitioner IS that kind of partner in your Wellness journey! Here are a few recent comments from current patients:

From Tonya:

 My AMIT experience has been incredible and unbelievable so far. I just had back surgery 2 months ago and felt so incredibly weak. I am starting to feel like my old self from 10 years ago. I feel amazing, stronger and feel my body changing and feeling better everyday. It is indescribable, until you actually experience it!

From Betty:

I have had chronic headaches for my entire life… I have gone headache free for the last 3 weeks. Thank you Dr. Lavender!!!

From Colby:

I cannot explain how much better my arms are!!! It's night and day I literally dropped pistol drills I couldn't draw and present it was painful and aches so bad just realized not only does it not hurt but my STRENGTH is back!!!!

From Marisol:

I have had chiropractic treatment my whole life. After learning about the different approaches this office takes towards your care, I was in shock at how amazing the results are. Getting treatment here has allowed me to feel relief in problem areas from sports injuries and accidents that have been present FOR YEARS. I have seen such a difference in overall physical performance from the muscle therapy and adjustments. Dr. Lavender is VERY thorough and gathers as much information as he can to fully assess your health and he writes a personalized treatment fit to you and your needs. The care here is very specialized to you. If you want a doctor who cares and listens, see Dr. Lavender!

Best Chiropractor Near Me

Come in and find out for yourself, call 480-325-6977 to schedule your complimentary consultation. If you are suffering from chronic muscle pain or joint pain, migraines, headaches, TMJ, constipation, digestive issues, imbalances, or other health issues, Foresight Wellness Center with Dr. Keith Lavender may be what you have been looking for. Call today!

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