Best Chiropractor Near Me

No matter our age, we are always on the search for proven methods to stay healthier naturally, to be able to be active as we age, and to slow down the aging process.

Here at Foresight Wellness Center, our Board Certified upper cervical doctor is all about creating individualized plans to accomplish your goals throughout all seasons of life. For athletes working to improve their performance to individuals striving to feel pain free as they age -- the goal is to perform and enjoy the very best life possible no matter your age.

We all look for the best options that fit our lifestyle.  After a thorough history and medical intake evaluation, Dr. Keith Lavender, DC, BCAO will spend one on one time to go over his recommendations for a program developed especially for you.

The plan may include gentle spinal care, BEMER vascular therapy as talked about in this video, Advanced Muscle Integration Technique or AMIT, nutritional coaching, or a combination of modalities.

BEMER vascular therapy enhances microcirculation throughout the body, resulting in better disbursement of oxygen within the target tissues and supporting the elimination of CO2. That brings about greater endurance and faster recovery!  BEMER has been shown to reduce stress, improve relaxation, optimized physical performance and overall feeling of wellbeing.

BEMER is great for everyone, and here is what Darlene M. had to say after using it at the Wellness Center: “Awesome noticeable improvement!! A miracle.  Since I have started using the BEMER, I have actually been able to sleep through the night and wake up without feeling excruciating pain. Thank you for giving me my life back!! Good health is priceless.”

Advanced Muscle Integration Technique is a systematic treatment of common joint and muscle conditions and a revolutionary advancement in sports medicine. 

Tonya D. had this to say about her experience: “My AMIT experience has been incredible and unbelievable so far.  I just had back surgery 2 months ago and felt so incredibly weak.  I am starting to feel like my old self from 10 years ago.  I feel amazing, stronger and feel my body changing and feeling better everyday.”

Best Chiropractor Near Me

Are you in need of wellness assistance, the best East Valley  chiropractor,  a new plan, a fresh look? What will your comments be after beginning care with Dr. Keith Lavender of Foresight Wellness Center? Call 480-325-6977 to schedule your complimentary consultation to accelerate  your wellness goals, restore and optimize your health.  Enhance your strength and reduce fatigue, continue the activities you love well into your senior years.

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