Back Pain

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  Among patients suffering from back pain and seeking for alternative solutions, the majority chose chiropractic treatment. Around 2.2 million Americans seek chiropractic treatments every year. Of this number, about 35 percent or 7.7 million are seeking relief from back pain caused by different causes such as muscle strains, sports injuries and auto accidents. Other complaints include pain in the legs, arms, neck and headaches.

Chiropractic assessment and treatment for back pain involves several processes. First, the chiropractor will take the patient’s medical history, then a physical examination is performed. Frequently nervous system assessments, lab tests and or diagnostic imaging may also be conducted to determine the core of the problem.

The treatment strategy may involve spinal re-alignment in which the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic physician exercises gentle, precise adjustments to improve the quality and range of motion, focusing on the top bone of the spine called the Atlas. Many chiropractors may also include nervous system assessment, nutritional advising and rehabilitation/exercise into the treatment strategy. The objectives of chiropractic treatment plan includes the prevention of injury and restoration of function in addition to back pain relief.

Chiropractic treatment is used as an alternative pain relief and solution for bones, joints, muscles, and connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and cartilages. In addition to this, chiropractic may be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments.

A chiropractor is identified with the initials “DC”.  A chiropractor possesses 4 years of chiropractic college degree in addition to an undergraduate degree. An Atlas Orthogonist is a post-graduate specialty.

Chiropractic spinal adjustments are a safe and effective solution for back pain and patients often experience improvement in many other aspects of their health. For example, lowered blood pressure, improved sleeping, improved MS and Fibromyalgia symptoms, improved digestive and elimination processes.

For a free consultation, call 480-325-6977. The doctors at Foresight Chiropractic Wellness Center are board certified Atlas Orthogonist, providing gentle precise care for the entire family – no popping or cracking!


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