Back Pain Relief Gilbert Chiropractic


Have you tried it-- Slacklining! -- a fun way to build and maintain functional core muscles and increase balance needed to perform everyday activities easily and safely.  Back pain is one of the most common reasons people miss work. In 2008, WebMD reported health care dollars spent on individuals seeking back pain relief exceeded $86 billion per year--in line with expenditures for cancer, arthritis and diabetes. 

Planking is a popular and effective way to work out core muscles and a common fitness test to check an individual's core muscle strength. If you are not able to hold a plank position for two minutes, you may be at risk for potential health issues. If you want to add more adventure to your exercises, Dr. Mercola demonstrates slacklining--a fun way to build core muscles, mental focus and balance. A definite challange and great activity for kids.

Find back pain relief Gilbert Chiropractic at Foresight Wellness Center.  The doctors have been caring for families since 1998 and are board certified Atlas Orthogonist, a precise and gentle upper cervical specialty--no popping or cracking! Call today for a free consultation 480-325-6977. 

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