Activating Abdominal Muscles

Are you looking for those fabulous abs or struggling in yoga to build your core to maintain proper poses? Maybe your problem is not lack of exercise but the fact that your ab muscles are inhibited and not functioning properly.

As you can see from this video, Victoria is barely able to sit up and not able to resist any pressure at all. Dr. Keith Lavender is a Certified Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (A.M.I.T.) practitioner in Gilbert, AZ. Once he has tested the muscles and isolated the specific muscle and muscle division that is not functioning properly, he will use A.M.I.T. to "turn on" or restore to proper function within the neuro-muscular system. Once the muscle is functioning properly again, exercise or yoga will strengthen and build the muscle for optimal performance. Be sure to watch tomorrow's video to see the difference after treatment!

Activating Abdominal Muscles

For more information and to schedule a free consultation, call 480-525-7841. Muscles not work properly that are inhibited is a very common reason for muscle and joint pain. Call the valley's premier Wellness Center, Foresight Chiropractic today for your complimentary consultation and extend and enhance your sports career. Advanced Muscle Integration Technique is a revolutionary advancement in accelerating healing and increasing human performance naturally without drugs or surgery. The doctors are Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical specialists serving the valley for over 17 years.

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